Product Categories
- Anesthesia
- Cardiology
- Computer / IT
- Consumable
- Endoscopy
- Exam Room
- General Equipment
- Imaging Systems
- Imaging:US,XR,CR,MRI,NM
- Instruments
- Lab, Clinical
- Lab, Research Scientific
- Lights
- Ophthalmology
- Patient Monitors
- Physical Therapy
- Quoted
- Sterilizers
- Surgical

Welch Allyn 6200 Series Vital Signs Monitor
- Item:
- 230605-0014-19
- Description:
- Vital Signs Monitor: NIBP
Includeds BP Cuff and SPO2 cable and probe
ECG cable and temp probe can be added at cost. - Good Condition Help
- Quantity:
- 1
- Manufacturer:
- Welch Allyn
- Model:
- 6200 Series
- Category:
- Patient Monitors
- Asking Price:
- $225.00
Please note: All Merchandise is previously owned unless otherwise noted.