Product Categories
- Anesthesia
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- Computer / IT
- Consumable
- Endoscopy
- Exam Room
- General Equipment
- Imaging Systems
- Imaging:US,XR,CR,MRI,NM
- Instruments
- Lab, Clinical
- Lab, Research Scientific
- Lights
- Ophthalmology
- Patient Monitors
- Physical Therapy
- Quoted
- Sterilizers
- Surgical

Imaging Systems Displaying all 20 products
Pioneer TC 8080
Item #: 231011-2839-08
: *Pioneer doppler unitPowers on Will not bootFOR PARTS ...
Olympus OEV191H 19inch High Definition LCD Monitor
Item #: 220921-0014-07
19inch High Definition LCD Monitor: Height: 4 inches...
Verathon BVI 9400 Bladder Scanner
Item #: 240403-0014-03
Bladder Scanner: As is, FOR PARTSVerathon BVI 9400 Bladder...
Carestream Directview CR Gridded X-Ray Cassette with PQ Screen
Item #: 230111-2839-05
CR Gridded X-Ray Cassette with PQ Screen: Height: .5...
Konica /Minolta Regius 190 CR Reader
Item #: 240513-0015-02
CR Reader: SurplussedReplaced with digital Rad Room Height:...
Konica /Minolta Regius 190 CR Reader
Item #: 240513-0015-03
CR Reader: SurplussedReplaced with digital Rad Room Height:...
Kodak DirectView Classic CR CR System
Item #: 240625-0003-01
CR System: computerized Radiography.No CPUcondition unknown. ...
Fujifilm DR-ID-600 Digital Radiography CPU
Item #: 240515-0015-11
Digital Radiography CPU: Height: 14 inches Width: 5 inches...
Fujifilm 100NIF Dry Imaging Film
Item #: 240515-0015-03
Dry Imaging Film: 14 x 17Case of 100 Sheets Height: 1...
$75 **
Fujifilm 100NIF Dry Imaging Film
Item #: 240515-0015-02
Dry Imaging Film: 14 x 17Case of 100 Sheets Height: 1...
$75 **
Fujifilm 100NIF Dry Imaging Film
Item #: 240515-0015-04
Dry Imaging Film: 14 x 17Case of 100 Sheets Height: 1...
$75 **
Fujifilm 100NIF Dry Imaging Film
Item #: 240515-0015-05
Dry Imaging Film: 14 x 17Case of 100 Sheets Height: 1...
$75 **
Fujifilm 100NIF Dry Imaging Film
Item #: 240515-0015-06
Dry Imaging Film: 14 x 17Case of 100 Sheets Height: 1...
$75 **
Fujifilm 100NIF Dry Imaging Film
Item #: 240515-0015-07
Dry Imaging Film: 14 x 17Case of 100 Sheets Height: 1...
$75 **
Spencer Technologies 1052 R4 Transcranial Doppler Remote Console
Item #: 231011-2839-07
Transcranial Doppler Remote Console: Remote unit for Spencer...
Spencer Technologies 1052 R4 Transcranial Doppler Remote Console
Item #: 231011-2839-06
Transcranial Doppler Remote Console: Remote unit for Spencer...
Summit NHD L550-22 X-Ray System
Item #: 220614-2955-05
X-Ray System: 240 VAC Single Phase, 30kWFloor to ceiling tube...
Del Medical Inc CM 50 kW X-Ray System, Digital, 2015
Item #: 240730-13074-01
X-Ray System, Digital, 2015: Generator, CPI Model:...